Thursday, October 31, 2019

Global Governance in the 21st Century Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Global Governance in the 21st Century - Essay Example However, defense spending as percentage of the federal budget was high: 17.53% in 1940, 47.15% in 1941, 73.06% in 1942, 69.18% in 1943, 86.68% in 1944, and 89.49% in 1945 (Tassava, 2010). In contrast, inflation in America during the war was not too high: annual rate of 3.5% from April 1942 to June 1946, annual rate of 10.3 percent in six months prior to April 1942, and annually rate of 28% six months prior to June 1946 (Tassava, 2010). In addition, according to Tassava (2010), American wages rose by 65 percent during the war and this indicated that â€Å"many American civilians enjoyed a stable or even improving quality of life.† Yet, the period from the end of World War II to the current century has been associated with a decline in British power also known as the â€Å"British decline† (Reynolds, 2002, p. 215). Axis power (Japan, Germany, and Italy) adventurism and expansionism made the idea of the United Nations appealing to many of the world’s countries in th e mid-20th century. The combination of economic power and moral ascendancy in the fight against the axis powers gave America the influence and capability to support the organization of the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank. In 1947, President Harry Truman made a declaration known as the Truman doctrine in which America â€Å"pledge to assist virtually any government threatened by communists† (Higgs, 2005, p. 3). The US has taken several initiatives worldwide. â€Å"To secure the U.S. position in Europe,† America devised Marshall Plan and â€Å"entered the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in 1949† (Higgs, 2005, p. 3). During the 1950s, the U.S. intervened in the Korean War and has... This essay analyzes the subject of Global governance in the 21st century and also describes the United States during the early 20th and mid-20th century, when America managed to overcome her setbacks during the great depression by significant nominal gross domestic product growths. The researcher also discusses the relevance of World War II to America’s rise to global leadership in 1945 and US interest and role in creating the institutional and ideological foundations of the post-World War II international system. Finally, the researcher also assess the validity of the criticisms leveled against the IMF with reference to policy prescriptions for Third World countries. With reference to key economic indicator for any third world country of your choice, the researcher aims to illustrate the difference between the traditional economic notion of development (i.e., economic growth) and human development. In addition, the researcher also aims to discuss four factors, which militate against human development and economic well-being of the people in Philippine country. This essay also suggests several reforms, that were necessary to make multilateral institutions such the IMF and WTO more responsive to the interest of third world countries in human development in the global south. In conclusion, it is clear that not only are the problems of development cutting across several dimensions but the roots of underdevelopment can also be multi-dimensional or not limited to economic variables.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Why Security Base Lines Are Important Essay Example for Free

Why Security Base Lines Are Important Essay Introduction: A Security Baseline defines a set of fundamental security goals which must be met by any given administration or framework. The goals are decided to be realistic and finish, and dont force specialized means. In this way, subtle elements on how these security targets are satisfied by a specific administration/framework must be archived in a different Security Execution Archive. These points of interest rely on upon the operational environment an administration/framework is sent into, and may, accordingly, innovatively utilize and apply any significant security measure. Disparagements from the baseline are conceivable and expected, and must be unequivocally checked. The procedure of building a frameworks security state is called baselining. The ensuing product is a security pattern that permits the framework to run securely and safely. When the procedure has been finished, any comparable frameworks can be arranged with the same baseline to accomplish the same level of security and insurance. Uniform baselines are basic in expansive scale operations. Creating a benchmark for your data security system will help you and your staff more successfully prioritize and coordinate your data security effort and showcasing exercises. Before you know which direction you need to take your information security program and your outreach and marketing efforts, you need to dig around to see where you are in the big picture. By understanding at the onset which capabilities your program possesses, you can ensure better use of both your staff and stakeholders’ time and resources, more easily replicate successes, understand where improvements need to be made, and demonstrate growth to your leaders and managers. It also assists all involved parties in making informed decisions based on thorough research, established priorities, and a common vision. The best place to start is with research. Regardless of  method used to collect information about your baseline, you should pilot the process with a sample audience to assess the clarity of the questions and determine if they need any revisions to elicit useful responses. A survey is often used as one tool to collect information. You want to use a survey designed to give you actionable results. Before you know which bearing you have to take your data security program and your effort and advertising deliberations, you have to burrow around to see where you are in the master plan. By understanding at the onset which abilities your system has, you can guarantee better utilization of both your staff and stakeholders opportunity and assets, all the more effectively repeat victories, comprehend where changes need to be made, and exhibit development to your pioneers and supervisors. It additionally aids all included gatherings in settling on educated choices focused around exhaustive examination, secured needs, and a typical vision. The best place to begin is with exploration. Notwithstanding system used to gather data about your standard, you ought to pilot the procedure with a specimen group of onlookers to evaluate the clarity of the inquiries and figure out whether they require any amendments to evoke helpful reactions. An overview is regularly utilized as one apparatus to gather data. You need to utilize a review intended to provide for you significant results. References: Impact And Issues Of Physical Security | Researchomatic. (n.d.). Retrieved from Retrieved from Security Issues and Solutions Part 4: Physical Security and Auditing | Physical Security | Inform IT. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Impacts of the Americans with Disabilities Act

Impacts of the Americans with Disabilities Act Adapted Fitness Activities Congress weighed the interests of the businesses that would need to update their facilities versus the interests of the people that would be helped and decided that helping Americans with Disabilities would be the fairest thing to do. As verbally expressed by the founding fathers of America â€Å"All men are created equal.† Black, white, brown, short, tall, perspicacious, and incoherent, all are engendered equipollently. Therefore every person deserves fair judgement. Unfortunately, it is a profound fact that not everyone is born mundane and capable of task typical for a mundane person, who is liberate from incapacitation. In my opinion, the quote â€Å"All men are created equal† accommodates to promote an amicable environment that avails inspirit parity among people and avails to apperceive the kindred attributes rather than the differences that dissevers men. Even so, with this hope, the incapacitated community still struggles for parity. The Americans with disabiliti es act further goes to destroy those barriers between the community. If everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedom that is set forth in the Declaration, disabled people should not be robbed of their rights. However, they are still devalued from conducting common tasks which puts them at the bottom of the priority list as an employee and even so as a friend. If everyone is entitled to all the rights and liberation that is set forth in the Declaration, incapacitated people should not be purloined of their rights. However, they are still devalued from conducting mundane tasks which puts them at the bottom of the priority list as an employee and even so as a friend. President George Bush signed the ADA into law that serves and protects people with disabilities. This law prohibits discrimination against the disabled by employers and required commercial establishments, public accommodation, and mass transportation be made accessible to disabled persons. hence the law was signed, new doors opened for the deaf and hard of hearing culture for a better opportunity in gaining equal rights. President Bush appointed four titles to protect deaf and hard of hearing people. In â€Å"The ADA and Deaf Culture† by Tucker, B. Title I, prohibits both public and private employers from refusing to hire or promote an individual because of his or her impairment and requires employers to provide reasonable accommodations for applicants or employees who are deaf or hard of hearing (Tucker 28). If a deaf or hard of hearing employee can pass the essential part of the job qualification, he or she is protected by the ADA to be hired. Also, the ADA prohibits employers to discriminate disabled people in means of recruitment, job applications procedures, pay rates, and promotions. The second title, Title II, â€Å"Requires all state and local government agencies to make all of their services accessible to individuals with disability† (NAD 22). This ensures people with disability to be able to participate in services, programs, and activitie s who can meet the essential eligibility requirements. Such places that must make these accommodations are schools, libraries, police and fire department, public hospitals, jails and prisons, motor vehicle departments, parks and recreation programs, food stamp offices, and welfare and social service agencies. Because these places serves to the public they cannot neglect people with disabilities. Title III gives equal access to public accommodations which removes communication and physical barriers to people with disabilities from private businesses, professionals, and nonprofit organizations. These private entities may not discriminate â€Å"in the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages or accommodations of any place of public accommodation by any person who owns, lease, or operates a place of public accommodation† (NAD 28). Such places operated by a private entity of public accommodations are hotels or places of lodging, restauran t or establishment serving food or drink, theater, place of public gathering like convention center, zoo, nursery, bowling alley and more. Title IV requires â€Å"telephone companies to provide both local and long distance telecommunications relay services across the nation† (NAD 34). By providing an accessible telephone system, deaf and hard of people are able communicate much easier and would minimize traveling to relay a message. It also â€Å"requires all television public services announcements that are produced of funded by the federal government to include closed captioning† (NAD 34). With closed captioning, primary source of news and culture information, as well as emergency broadcast warnings will be accessible to the deaf and hard of hearing people. By appointing these four titles, deaf and hard of hearing are insured of their civil rights and acceptance in society. If American pursues to reach equality for all, people of color, language, and ability should b e able to find peace within the differences between themselves. Although the ADA protects people with disability, it is quite difficult to zero in a situation when people of disability are discriminated against during the time of the situation. In some cases the damage was done before justice is served. In one of the cases, a spouse of a pregnant women was denied of an interpreter because he was not the patient. However, he still deserved the right to be informed of the situation of his baby, therefore the judge rule in their favor and were compensated for their trouble. On July 1997 in an article by the New York Times â€Å"Judge Finds Bias at Hospital In Dealings With Deaf Man,† Mount Sinai Medical Center illegally discriminated against the Bravins by not providing an interpreter. Mr. Bravin, a Lexington School teacher for the deaf in Manhattan was unable to learn the Lamaze method to assist his wife give birth. Sinai Medical Center disapproved Mr. Bravin request for an interpreter because it’s Mrs. Bravins who was the patient not Mr. Bravin who was deaf. Nevertheless, Lamaze method is a team effort which Mr. Bravin needed to learn to assist his wife give birth. The judge ruled that the hospital violated state and federal laws requiring accommodations for the disabled (Stewart 1). This example violated the title II of the ADA which was to provide interpreters at hospital settings. Although it was not Mrs. Bravin who needed an interpreter while giving birth and could not interpret for her husband, it was Mr. Bravin who needed it to find the situation of their baby during the birth and the week that the baby was in the neonatal intensive care unit. Mr. and Mrs. Bravin, a family concerned about their baby, should have the right to be informed especially if the baby is in an intensive care unit. Because the hospital did not provide an interpreter the judge ruled in favor of the Bravins and was scheduled the decision on the amount of damages. Even though Mrs. Bravins was hearing, the hospital should have put in c onsideration to provide an interpreter for Mr. Bravin because Mrs. Bravins could not interpret for her husband for she was giving birth. Poor Mr Bravin was left in the dark to figure how he could had help his wife and find out what was happening to his baby. The hospital did not consider Mr. Bravin in the equation, therefore the hospital discriminated against him and are scheduled for the amount of damages. In another situation, a community of deaf and hard of hearing are neglected of their rights. In an article from The New York Times on July 29, 1997, titled â€Å"Judge Rules Fire Box Denies Access To The Deaf,† a federal judge ruled, â€Å"to shrink the city’s fire alarm box system† (Holloway 1) was in violation of the civil rights of deaf and hard of hearing residents of New York. When Judge Sweets ordered the city to refit the boxes that was removed or disconnected as a part of an experiment in 1995, the city reconnected the box system with only a single li ne to the police department, instead of two-button system, one to fire and other to police department. Their defense, fire department contended that single-boxes would drastically reduce false alarms. However according to Holloway, â€Å"Judge Sweet said the one-button boxes were â€Å"unusable† by a hearing impaired person, a violation of the American With Disabilities Act, which guarantees equal access to public services† (Holloway 2). Clearly, by replacing the box systems it reduces emergency calls, but it also prevents deaf and hard of hearing from making emergency calls, thus discriminating them of their right to telecommunications, especially for emergencies. Therefore, Judge sweets denied the city’s request to abolish the fire-box system entirely. Also, as stated by the ADA, state and local government must make accommodations for the disabled. One example where the disabled are severely mistreated is at prisons. In an article from Los Angeles Times, title d â€Å"a Win for Disabled Prisoners; Ruling: Federal appeals court says the state violated their rights during parole hearings,† by Krikorian, G. on November 29, 2001, the state officials was ordered to make it easier for thousands of disabled prisoners and ex-felons to attend in parole hearings by the U.S. 9th Circuit Court Appeals. Krikorian wrote, â€Å"Violations included prisoners who use wheelchairs being left to crawl up stairs to attend their parole hearings† (Krikorian 1) and â€Å"Deaf inmates also were sometimes deprived of interpreters during hearings or had their hands shackled and thus were unable to sign Wilken found† (Kirkorian 2). Evidently, this describes the nature of cruelty that happens in prisons. Although the prison is a place where people need to be disciplined or exiled, there still must be some balance. Aa Kirkorian described, the people who are on parole, who may be scheduled to leave, are still being deprived of their rights. Therefo re, because of the harsh environment disabled people have to face in prisons, the U.S. District Judge Claudia Wilken ordered â€Å"that the board survey all its hearing rooms to ensure that they are accessible to the disabled, provide interpreters for deaf prisoners, supply assistants for inmates with mental retardation and learning disabilities and establish a grievance process† (Kirkorian 2). With this, state officials would be more lenient than before. These discrimination against the deaf and hard of hearing people would slowly depart as society realizes that these people are incapable to hear and/or understand words because of their disability. Therefore it would be inconsiderate to treat such people without accommodations. Because deaf and hard of hearing have problems communicating and socializing, it is only fair to accommodate for their loss. There are numerous things that these people can do, but hear. If they are assisted for their loss, most would generously reconcile with in society, boosting their self-esteem and making positive deeds. In an article from the Los angeles Times titled â€Å"UPS Ban on Deaf Drivers is Rejected† by Girion, L. on October 11, 2006, a federal appeals court ruled that the United Parcel Services Inc. (UPS) has illegally discriminated against deaf employees by excluding them from driving delivery vans. The San Francisco-Based U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the UPS has violated the ADA, employers must justify polices or job requirements that elude a group of people who are disabled. The UPS countered that the case was about safety not disability or discrimination. The Professor of Sanford University of Law, Mark Kelman, stated that the use of deaf dri vers by other companies made UPS’ exclusion a difficult policy to justify under the ADA. Therefore, it was perceived that the UPS was not permitting very much individual analysis; they were rejecting the hearing impaired. Joe Beachboard who is representing employers defended that if a UPS driver has a serious accident, the company would be sued; hearing impaired poses a safety problem because of their inability to hear other vehicles. However, U.S. Circuit Judge Marsh Berzon noted that drivers are offered warning signals when backing up a van, therefore she wrote, UPS â€Å"failed to show that those accidents would not also been avoided by a deaf driver who has compensated for his her loss of hearing by, for example, adapting modified driving techniques or using compensatory devices such as backing cameras or additional mirrors† (Girion 2). In addition, being a safe driver does not merely rely on hearing that is why deaf people are able to acquire a license to drive pa ssenger cars. Consequently, after a couple more hearings, federal ruled to require drivers of vehicles weighing more than 10,000 pounds or more to meet certain vision and hearing standards. The qualifications lets the companies determine drivers for lighter vehicles. The accommodation serves to allow deaf and hard of hearing employee to drive vehicles and keep their job. In another situation where accommodation are made for the deaf and hard of hearing is in the article â€Å"Dispute in Westchester on Deaf Child Accepted† from the New York Times by Greenhouse, Linda on November 3, 1981. Supreme Court agreed to provide a sign language interpreter for deaf third grader. The appeals was based on the Education for All Handicapped Children Act. Apparently, Amy Rowley a deaf student who was adept at lip reading and received help from her hearing aid was performing above average from her class without special help. However, the court ruled â€Å"she was entitled to be able to under stand everything said in the classroom, a goal that could be achieved only through sign language†(Greenhouse 2). Even though Amy Rowley in the top half of her class the court recognized that she is still being denied of her rights. Therefore, the court ruled in her favor to accommodate her for education. With the accommodation she will be given an opportunity to achieve her full potential. Not all individuals with disabilities are protected by the ADA. To be protected, individuals with disabilities must show that they are otherwise qualified for the job they want. They have to prove that they can perform the essential functions of that job with or without reasonable modifications, and they must have a disability that significantly limits them and show that they have suffered discrimination because of the disability. However the Americans with Disabilities Act is one in many steps for the towards the creation of an ideal society

Friday, October 25, 2019

Comparing the New England and Chesapeake Colonists Essay -- essays pap

Comparing the New England and Chesapeake Colonists The New England and Chesapeake colonists settled in the new world for different reasons like religious freedoms in the North and quick profits in the South. Jamestown was originally an ideal place to strike it rich for the colonists. They didn't plan on staying long, therefore not bringing many women, as seen in Doc C. The early colony began to expand after the governors imposed laws and kept things running smooth. The Pilgrims who were seeking religious freedom from the Church of England established the Plymouth plantation in Massachusetts. The New England colonists brought more women because they planned on more of a permanent settlement; this is illustrated in the passenger list contained in Doc. B. They lived their lives for their god, not like the Chesapeake region, which was in it for the money. The colonists in the Chesapeake region started to make a profit with Tobacco and Indigo. Both products had a market in Europe. Many farmers moved farther and farther out of the colony for more land. This way they could produce more products, which would ultimately lead to overproduction and a decline in the selling price. The geography to the north around Massachusetts was a lot different. The soil was not very good for farming, but there were a lot of forests and natural ports. These features made that area ideal for shipbuilding and fishing. So the northern colonies became a big shipbuilding industry. So the North's output ...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Good Technology Vs. Bad Technology Essay

In a world dominated by technology, it can be difficult for a person to distinguish between the meaning of ‘good technology’ and ‘bad technology’. The question which makes this categorization so hard is, what is it that makes technology good or bad? Is it the technology itself that makes it good or bad or is it us, the users? Technology is a most wonderful and marvellous thing. It can be found in just about every aspect of our everyday lives. Everything from an alarm waking us up, to using an electric toothbrush or razor, or driving a vehicle utilizes technology in some way. Technology is all around us and will be for the rest of time. Technology, like most everything in this world, has its upside and its downside. The upside can be seen as the technological good. Advances in the technology field allow us to accomplish things much more easily than ever before. The recent release of the new IPhone is an excellent example of just how much we are capable of accomplishing with technology. With this gadget that fits in your hand, one is capable of not just making phone calls around the world but also sending text messages, e-mails, browsing the internet, listening to music, and taking pictures among many other functions of the IPhone. And with the applications that are available to be downloaded to the handheld device, a homeowner can now do such things as controlling the temperature in their home, or even locking/unlocking the doors when they are out of the house. The many functions of this gadget are simply amazing. In a way, when using a smartphone device such as the IPhone, one can complete just about everything the y would do in their day to day life and it’s all at their fingertips. But beneath the glamour of these devices, there lies the horrible downside. One downside which has been in the media for years now is the problem of people not getting enough physical activity. With just about everything at our fingertips in one of these devices, means that we can be lazy. We don’t have to get up and go to the bank anymore to pay bills or transfer money; we can do it on the phone. Instead of kids getting up and going outside to play, they can now sit and play games at their fingertips and connect to such social media site as Facebook and Twitter to play against their friends. They can also watch movies, or read books along with playing any game that is available. These things can all be done by sitting in the comfort of your own home without having to get up and be physical.  This is a prime example of how ‘good’ technology can be dangerous. Without physical activity the human body is not able to burn as many calories as it should and can lead to a person gaining body fat. This body fat can affect many different aspects of the human body, everything from the heart, respiratory system, joints, and even a person’s mood. These effe cts can possibly lead to a premature death of a person if they are not healthy. It is not the IPhone which can make a person become lazy, but it is the user. One must know their limit of how much time to spend using the gadget. In today’s world, a large amount of technology can now be found in vehicles. Temperature settings, door locks, windows, cameras, are among the many things that are run by technology in many of today’s vehicles. Such advances make riding in a vehicle more enjoyable, comfortable, and safer. For example entertainment systems are now being installed in vehicles for those long drives to help keep people entertained and to make it seem as if the time is passing quickly. The passengers are able to watch a movie through a DVD player on their own personal screen. Some vehicles even contain hookups which allow game consoles to be played. New temperature controls mean that that there can be a separate temperature on each side of the vehicle for the driver and passenger. This means that there is no more fighting over the controls if one person is too warm and the other is too cold. Everyone can be comfortable with their own climate controlled settings. A new and emerging safety feature is something called park assist. This feature helps when people prepare to parallel park the vehicle and works with sensors that are mounted around the exterior which allows the vehicle to do the parking for you. The driver doesn’t even have to touch the wheel. One can also buy vehicles that have a camera mounted on the rear end, when reversing, the screen which is found in the centre console switches to show a live feed of what is behind the vehicle. This helps the driver to make sure that there is nothing behind the vehicle, especially in the places that cannot be seen in the mirrors. Along with these safety features, automatic locks have now taken over manual locking doors. The way that automatic locks function varies from car to car. In some cases, once you put the vehicle in to gear the doors lock, in others it happens when you reach a certain speed and in some the driver or front passenger has to push a button to lock all of the  doors . All of these features allow us to feel more comfortable and safer. But is it truly best to have so much technology within a vehicle? There have been instances when in emergency situations, such as after having been in an accident, the doors will not unlock due to the technology. This can be very dangerous when it happens in a life or death situation. If the doors are unable to be unlocked, it can take rescuers a longer amount of time to get into the vehicle and help the victims. And in such a situation every second is critical. Airbags are another very important safety feature but due to advancements in technology, do not always function correctly. Upon impact, the airbags in a vehicle are meant to deploy so as to allow the driver and passenger to hit a cushion when thrust forward instead of hitting the steering wheel and dashboard. However, with the advances in technology there are sometimes problems with the sensors which do not allow the airbags to deploy upon impact. This can cause serious injuries and is an excellent example of how what we believe to be ‘good’ technology, actually being dangerous to us. In these two examples it is not the user which makes the technology ‘bad’, but it is the technology itself as it is unreliable since it may not function properly when it is most needed. The categorization between ‘good technology’ and ‘bad technology’ ultimately depends on what the technology is being used for and how it is being used. In some cases, such as the IPhone, when using it too much can potentially make a person lazy, leading to decreased amounts of physical activity, is the user themselves. The IPhone could be categorized as being good because of what it allows the user to do, but also bad since the user can become engulfed by it. However in the case of the technology in vehicles not functioning properly all of the time, this is not caused by the user. It is the technology itself which makes it good or bad and in a world becoming dominated by technology, it will forever be a battle between whether it is the technology or the user which can make something that seems good, be dangerous.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Summary and Assessment

Lesson 04. 07: Summary and Assessment using the Four Steps to Gang a Great Speech, write and deliver a speech presenting your Personal Brand Statement to a City Council. 1 . Complete the Speech Planning Gulled 2. Write a two- to three-minute speech using the notes you organized In the Speech Planning Guide. 3. Submit your notes and your written speech (two to three paragraphs) to your instructor. 4. Rehearse your speech. Speech Planning Guide Your local city council wants a student to share something he or she has learned in school.They want you to give them a two- to three minute speech about your Personal Brand Statement. Use the Brand Guide you created In Lesson 04. 04 as a reference when organizing your speech. Know your audience. To learn about your audience, you created a short questionnaire they filled out. Here are their responses: Length of speech: 2?3 minutes Location of speech: City Council Meeting, City Hall, Room 305 Number of people in audience: 10 What topics should I address?We are interested in what you have learned in your leadership class. Please address the following topics: How have you used your Personal Brand and open communication skills In your daily life? You created three targeted brand statements. Which of the three brand targets Is the most challenging for you, and why? (For example, your family, teachers, or friends could be some of your targets. ) What recommendations would you give to those who want to improve their PersonalBrand? Outline Your Presentation. Outline your entire presentation, from start to finish. This means that you should be clear about what your primary message is and create a plan to present your argument, or point of view, step by step. What topics should I address? Introduction Stories or examples to support your point Evidence to support your point A call to action, or an appeal to the audience to do something new or different as a result of your presentation. Conclusion