Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Comparison of a Woman to a Flower - 1409 Words

The essence of one flower’s beauty is enough to take one’s breath away. Many can bring about a feeling of exhilaration and awe. Henry Beecher once stated that, â€Å"flowers are the sweetest things God ever made and forgot to put a soul into.† Many humans thrive on the very existence of a flower without any awareness as to whether or not it has humanlike characteristics or traits. The symbolic view of flowers is displayed in an obvious manner in many of William Carlos Williams’ poems. His works were open to many avenues and seemed to be limited to none. Williams emphasized that a poem must have its own idiom in dealing with â€Å"those things that lie under the scrutiny of the senses, close to the nose† (285). Williams’ poems portray†¦show more content†¦Sometimes after a great storm has passed there is still a tiny flower that somehow manages to weather the storm. It seems as if some miraculous power has kept this flower re maining in existence. However, the widow represents a flower that has waited out the storm. Ironically, what does not kill you only makes you stronger. The flourishing of a flower inside and out only compares to the renewing of this widow’s being. With time, she will live again. Finally, â€Å"Queen-Anne’s Lace,† truly shows the correspondence between a flower and a woman’s body. In fact, Queen-Anne’s lace is a type of wide, white flower containing scores of tiny blossoms and in the center lays a dark spot. This poem is about a woman and a man engaging in sexual intercourse. It seems to be told from the man’s point of view as he explores her body. As he touches her the body becomes marked with his presence. In actuality, it is like taking a virgin who is whole and reducing or dismantling her by performing sexual acts. The poem begins by stating that, â€Å"Her body is not white/as anemone petals nor so smooth . . .† (1-2). This lady is not perfect because the notion as to whether or not she has given herself to another man is in question. She begins to open her heart to this man. She becomes wild and erotic during the escapade of their activity. He even measures her up to a â€Å"wild carrot / taking the field by force . . .† (4-5). She has left her senseShow MoreRelatedNarrative Of A Mother Daughter1061 Words   |  5 Pagesher confrontation with grief as she realizes her daughter will one day replace her. The woman feels as though she is beginning her life’s decline just as her daughter begins her ascent into womanhood, inquiring, â€Å"†¦Why is it / just as we begin to go / they begin to arrive†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (lines 4-6). Olds takes on the voice of this despondent woman in her poem â€Å"35/10,† using rich, honest language and metaphoric comparisons to communicate observations about the cycle of life and the pattern of replacement. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

Greater Of Two Evils By Edgar Allan Poe - 1712 Words

Greater of Two Evils Edgar Allan Poe and Nathaniel Hawthorne both have countless numbers of writing out but today ill be analyzing and comparing two that have been known to read into the dark side a little. Edgar Allan Poe’s â€Å"Masque of the Red Death† and Nathaniel Hawthorne’s â€Å"Birth Mark†, both showing signs of love, yet also showing signs of great death and despair. As each author progresses in their story both have a different way of bringing up death, but in some sort it is similar. With both writing having characters who adore and admire another character, they have similarities and differences in the way that they portray love and death; with different ways the authors have the characters talk, act, show emotion, and try to escape†¦show more content†¦He then comes up with a way he thinks will be able to remove it and escape the poisons and problems that the red mark could bring to his sweet Georgiana. Compared to Poe’s story â€Å"Masque of the Red Death†, where he portrays a different way of showing love. He doesn’t show it for another person, but shows it as Prince Prospero loving himself way too much. So much that he decides to lock himself up in a castle outside of his town. Doing so because of the plague that is sweeping the cities, â€Å"The Red Death†. Prince Prospero doesn’t want to mess around with the plague and certainly doesn’t want to die, so he locks himself up in a castle and away from civilization. Getting lonely as the days and night get longer and longer every day for him. Prince Prospero decides to have a party and invites all of his friends for a wild party. When one guest shows up in a weird way, dressed in blood and looking like a corpse. With both authors showing a different way of showing love, they both share the fact that the characters are trying to get away and escape death. With Hawthorne believing that if he can remove this mark from Geor giana’s cheek, that he will be able to keep her safe and avoid death or any problems that the mark may bring. Poe believing that if Prince Prospero will be able to avoid death from the Red Death plague if he isolates himself outside the city in his castle and letting no one come around him but his

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Ban the School Uniform! Free Essays

School Uniform. Who actually likes school uniform? Nobody. Nobody in their right mind wants to wear exactly the same clothes that hundreds of people are wearing at the same time, in the same place. We will write a custom essay sample on Ban the School Uniform! or any similar topic only for you Order Now Why do people wear school uniform? Because they have to. There is no law saying people have to wear school uniform, so who says you have to? Governors, head-teachers, your parents? They all say â€Å"wear your school uniform† And why? Because they were told to wear uniforms when they were at school. It’s not because they like school uniform, or that they think it makes you look smart like they always tell you- it’s because they want revenge. That’s all. They just want to get their own back on their governors, their head-teachers, their parents. They just can’t get over the way they were treated at school, the fact that they were made to wear school uniform. On average 90% of Britain’s school children are FORCED to wear a school uniform. 90%. And this number is always increasing. Think how many people that is. Hundreds, thousands, millions of kids walking about dressed exactly the same, like identical robots. Also think how much time is wasted on the uniform. Going out and buying it. Time wasted by you getting dressed into the uniform with a thousand layers-the kind of layers that keeps you roasting in summer and does bugger all in the winter-, time wasted by parents washing the uniform and ironing it continuously. Don’t forget the uniform has to be worn 5 days a week, so it’s not just a case of wash it Saturday, iron it for Monday†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦it’s more like wash it Tuesday, iron it Tuesday, wash it again Thursday, iron it Thursday and then wash it for Monday again on Saturday. It’s a never ending cycle. Not only that, teacher’s time is being wasted by having to CHECK that you wearing the goddamn thing. â€Å"Why haven’t you got your tie on?† – The tie you can’t even see â€Å"Why have you got your trainers on?† – What difference does it make what shoes you wear? Expensive time is being wasted on this pointless matter: time which could cost your child those marks to get a better exam level. Uniform are restrictive, and in a recent survey 99% of people feel uncomfortable in their uniform. This causes them to fidget and lose their concentration. Concentration which is already at a low level. Nothing bad can come out of banning school uniform. Nothing. People will argue that too much pressure will be put on parents to buy designer clothes for their children, but I disagree. Clothes that people own now would be worn and there was no pressure on buying these so there should be no pressure to buy new clothes. Pressure is already on parents to buy the school uniform so this is a pointless point. We have to ban the school uniform for people’s individuality. If we don’t people will dress exactly the same all their lives, until we become one world of uniform wearing, identical robots. It’s been said that somewhere in the world there is someone who looks EXACTLY like you. Imagine if there were a billion people look exactly like you? So people, join me in saying â€Å"Ban the uniform, ban it now before it is too late!† In my speech I used: * Clusters of 3 * Repetition * Use of statistics * Addressing the reader * Repetition of powerful phrases * Point of the disadvantages of not agreeing * Rhetorical questions * Alliteration * Short, sharp sentences * Ending with the main slogan How to cite Ban the School Uniform!, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

A Civil Action Essay Example For Students

A Civil Action Essay A Civil ActionThe movie A Civil Action brings up an interesting idea that many people in the public dont see or hear about very often. The idea that the big corporations often dont take into account the safety of the people that work for them or the people that live around the factories. These big corporations are run entirely by money and the idea of what things will cost and how much money they can possibly make. Too many times money is more important than the lives of human beings and the people that run these places only see in dollars and cents. The moral issues that this dilemma brings up are immense. This has been happening for centuries since the industrial revolution. Workers were subjected too harsh conditions and unsafe factories so that more goods could be produced. They had children as young as seven and eight years old working 15 hour days. In our modern times, toxic waste now plays a big part in the safety of people. The waste that these companies produce and dump unde r our noses dont seem to bother them in the least. The way microeconomics effects this must be fully explored to realize the way the corporate world thinks and acts. We will write a custom essay on A Civil Action specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The goal of any corporation is to make the maximum profit that they can providing a good or service to the community while doing it as inexpensively as possible to them. Too many times producing these goods, toxic by-products are also produced. Nuclear power plants create plutonium, factories let poisonous gasses into the atmosphere, and chemicals are dumped into the drains and washed into our water everyday while being unknown to the people around them. The issue then becomes what to do with these poisons at the cheapest cost to retain the most revenue. In A Civil Action the W.R. Grace company decided that the best place to dump the T.C.E. was in the river behind the plant. Its too bad that all the people who lived down stream were also effected by the carelessness of this company. It got into the drinking water and gave kids cancer and seizures among other health conditions. These companies try to cover up these kinds of things as much as possible by buying people off. They think t hat if they give people money for their losses than everything will be alright. For huge corporations dealing with billions of dollars these payoffs are only a drop in the bucket for them. Even a million dollars to any family is an incredible amount of money and often the money becomes more important than the real issues behind the problem and cant be passed up by a family struggling to get by. The benefits of paying of these people for their trouble is much cheaper then doing things the right way in the beginning and protecting their safety. Money in our society has become a sense of power and authority. People think to many times that money is the key to happiness. Although money isnt a bad thing it effects the way people act and causes them to not care about the things that they should many times. Corporations have a structure that they follow in order to make them run in an efficient manner. In the movie John Travolta initially doesnt want to take the case because he doesnt thin k that there will be any money in it for him and his firm. Even though he goes and sees how much pain this company has caused to the people in Wolburn, he still doesnt care because of the money. Not until he realizes how big the companies are does he take the case. As the case goes on he isnt able to achieve what he ultimately wanted to do because the Grace Company has so much money that it will almost always win. Travoltas firm goes eight million into debt trying to win this case but ultimately has to settle because they cant go on. The firm doesnt even have to clean up the polluted land that caused all the problems. It wasnt until the E.P.A. steps in and with their power was able to achieve a proper sanction to this company. This is not the only issue that the W.R. Grace company has tried to cover up. They produced and insulation called zonolite which contained asbestos. They were worried that a label on the insulation would hurt sales of the product so they fought hard to keep th e labels off so that they wouldnt be breaking the law. They knew as far back as 1963 that the insulation was harmful to people yet produced it until 1984. The Grace company is a 1.5 billion multinational chemical and construction products company. With money like that these companies have so much power that it makes them seem like they are above the law sometimes. Not only this company but other construction companies often look past safety in order to save money. Thankfully organizations like O.S.H.A. have been developed in order to protect the safety of the American worker from the power of these companies. O.S.H.A. sets national standards for industry in order to provide a safe and helpful work environment for workers. .uea7a6157de403b742a957f9e8d69729f , .uea7a6157de403b742a957f9e8d69729f .postImageUrl , .uea7a6157de403b742a957f9e8d69729f .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uea7a6157de403b742a957f9e8d69729f , .uea7a6157de403b742a957f9e8d69729f:hover , .uea7a6157de403b742a957f9e8d69729f:visited , .uea7a6157de403b742a957f9e8d69729f:active { border:0!important; } .uea7a6157de403b742a957f9e8d69729f .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uea7a6157de403b742a957f9e8d69729f { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uea7a6157de403b742a957f9e8d69729f:active , .uea7a6157de403b742a957f9e8d69729f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uea7a6157de403b742a957f9e8d69729f .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uea7a6157de403b742a957f9e8d69729f .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uea7a6157de403b742a957f9e8d69729f .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uea7a6157de403b742a957f9e8d69729f .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uea7a6157de403b742a957f9e8d69729f:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uea7a6157de403b742a957f9e8d69729f .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uea7a6157de403b742a957f9e8d69729f .uea7a6157de403b742a957f9e8d69729f-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uea7a6157de403b742a957f9e8d69729f:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Child development EssayMicroeconomics is a powerful factor in the way that companies handle their business. Money runs these companies from the ground up and often is more important than the people that work there. These companies try to weigh out the costs and benefits of these actions. For a billion dollar company to change the way they do things in order to be safe will cost them too much money many times so they decide that it is more cost efficient to pay off the injured parties with a nominal amount of money. Unfortunately that is the way the corporate world works nowadays, but with organizations such as O.S.H.A. and others these huge companies that have held all the power for years are finally being set in their place. These corporations need to value the lives of people more than the paper that money is printed on. Bibliographynone