Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Nicotine Withdrawal Tips From Successful Ex-Smokers

Nicotine Withdrawal Tips From Successful Ex-Smokers Addiction Nicotine Use Nicotine Withdrawal Print Nicotine Withdrawal Advice From Successful Ex-Smokers How to Manage the Discomforts Without Lighting Up By Terry Martin facebook twitter Terry Martin quit smoking after 26 years and is now an advocate for those seeking freedom from nicotine addiction. Learn about our editorial policy Terry Martin Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Sanja Jelic, MD on January 19, 2020 Sanja Jelic, MD, is board-certified in sleep medicine, critical care medicine, pulmonary disease, and internal medicine.   Learn about our Medical Review Board Sanja Jelic, MD on January 19, 2020 Paul Bradbury/Caiaimage/Getty More in Addiction Nicotine Use Nicotine Withdrawal After You Quit How to Quit Smoking Smoking-Related Diseases The Inside of Cigarettes Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Drug Use Coping and Recovery There is no better teacher than the voice of experience, and when it comes to nicotine withdrawal, there are no better teachers than members of our own community. They are an important resource for new ex-smokers.   When youre done reading this, bookmark it to refer to it when youre having a bad day. Next thing you know, youll be the one sharing the tips that helped you mostâ€"with smoking solidly in your past. Beating Physical Cravings to Smoke There are various ways to beat cravings that dont involve a patch. Here are a few practices that worked for me: Drink plenty of water: Water is one of natures best quitting aids and will help you beat back cravings to smoke.  Youll be  well-hydrated, which in turn keeps you at your best to deal with the discomforts of the first few weeks of smoking cessation. Water can help control snacking and flush the toxins from cigarettes out  of your body more quickly.Avoid all smokers: At least for the first week. Climbing the walls was necessary, but I did manage it.Chew something: Munching on spicy things like cinnamon candies and whole cloves stimulated those oral muscles so used to smoking. Arm yourself with sugar-free bubble gum, mints, or candy at all timesCurb or cut certain beverages: Because alcohol can reduce inhibitions, you may lose track of your willpower and reach for a cigarette.  Non-alcoholic beverages can apply, too. I cut my coffee intake to one, sometimes two, cups per day.Accept cravings: I do not fight the cravings and urges to smoke because it only makes me tenser. I try to accept , if not welcome them as a natural part of my addiction recovery. I let them wash over me, take deep breaths and just ride them out with movementâ€"climbing a flight of stairs, jumping up and down, or taking a hot shower.Sing: The physical act of singing works great as a crave-buster. It gives the lungs a workout, gets the blood flowing, and kills the urge to smoke in the process. Pick your favorite motivating music, and as an added bonus, its a mood booster. Releasing the Habit of Smoking I recognized, after the initial physical withdrawal from nicotine, that I was breaking a habit. So I thought about how I could replace that habit with something healthy. For instance, you can take a different route to work. Or have your morning coffee and meals in a different room than you usually do.  I used to smoke on my porch. Instead, I started taking herbal tea to the porch, and before long I didnt feel comfortable going out there without my tea. I also look past the desire for a cigarette to the bigger meaning. The only thing smoking a cigarette would accomplishâ€"besides making me feel badâ€"would be  to make me want another cigarette. Even if it satisfied me, how long would that satisfaction last? How long before Id want another one?  When you learn to identify the source of your discomfort, you can react with a better choice than smoking. If youre tired, rest. If youre hungry, have a snack. Reducing Stress A stress ball is one way to find reliefâ€"I used a 2-inch cloth-covered gel ball myselfâ€"but there are plenty of other methods. Find the technique that fits best into your lifestyle and try to practice it frequently when cravings hit. Exercise: I make it a practice to get in at least 30-40 minutes of brisk walking daily.Write in a diary: This practice helped me most for the first weeks and months. I actually wrote Day 1, Day 2, and so on and under each heading described how I felt and how I dealt with various situations.    Pamper yourself: During the early stages, I was very critical of myself, so I told myself it was okay if I had a few days where I did nothing but rest and relax. It made nicotine withdrawal a lot easier because I didnt expect too much of myself during the first few days.Breathe: Use meditation techniques or whatever method sticks for you. For many, the relaxation you reap from breathing exercises offers a similar feeling as nicotine once did.Find a buddy: I paired up with someone who quit the same day I did. We held each other accountable.Laugh: Keep your sense of humor. Watch comedies on TV, funny movies, or find joke websites on the Internet.     Adjusting Your Attitude Mantras can be a powerful way to shift thinking from negative to positive. These inner monologues helped me in my quitting journey: I choose to work it just for today. I dont worry about tomorrow. If I keep my focus on staying smoke-free  just for today, it becomes less overwhelming.    Remember quitting isnt an eventâ€"it is a process. Everyones process is different. It does get better for some earlier, and  for others (like me) later.    Recite NOPE (Not One Puff Ever)  as often as you need, make a song out of it and chant it when you have a cravingâ€"this helped me immensely in the beginning.    Knowledge is power. Understanding this addiction and our internal junkie goes a long way toward beating it.  When I see a smoker enjoying a cigarette, I remind myself that they probably wish that they could quit like I have. I know thats how I felt as a smoker whenever someone I knew had quit.    I remind myself that nicotine withdrawal takes a lot of work and I will just have to start at the beginning again should I relapse. I also remind myself that there is no such thing as having just one cigarette. I know from per sonal experience and have made that mistake too many times before. It never works.   Thankfully, nicotine withdrawal is a short-lived phase of smoking cessation, but it can be intense while it lasts. The more you understand about what to expect when you quit smoking, the better prepared youll be to plan for and successfully navigate the challenges that may present themselves along the way. Be patient with yourself and willing to devote full attention to your quit program. Cast off any preconceived notions you might have about how long the recovery process should take. Rather, relax into your journey and take it one day at a time. The difficulties of nicotine withdrawal pale in comparison to the strength and empowerment that comes from  beating nicotine addiction. 10 Practical Tips to Help With Nicotine Withdrawal