Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Persuasive Essay Student Cheating - 729 Words

Student Cheating Persuasive Essay It’s no secret that every teacher as encountered one of their students cheating off one another; whether because they didn’t study the night before or because in their mind, they felt the need to. Nowadays, in many schools; student cheating is a very common case that’s occurring much more often and occur for various reasons. Whether it may be unpreparedness, lack of time management or focusing on the lesson. Student cheating couldn’t possibly be stopped by administrators because of the new ways of communication that are available to students and the fast pace system of which teachers have their students learn. As days pass by, we continuously learn new ways to communicate with the world around us. New†¦show more content†¦Even though a teacher does have a higher education status than the lot of us, reasons like that doesn’t mean they have the best teaching system; they go by the board and what they believe we all must work on based on the scores and the work of others. As a matter of fact, some begin to wonder, could the question be is the speed of the teachers lesson be too fast for others? One assignment one day, another one the next then a test at the end of the week; talking about the lesson for a short period of time, then handing out a worksheet doesn’t allow the information settle in the students mind enough to understand even a small majority of the lesson, as they leave to another class to be filled with new information that takes over. Whereas, even though tutoring is such a thing; some don’t have the ability to be available after school hours, possi bly because of a job, or a family matter’ some teachers come to forget that student also has a life beyond school that might be a tad bit of stress to lay on top of the rest that school hand to us. Nevertheless, it seems as though some teachers should try and see that even though one feels confident in their ability to try the assignment, others may doubt themselves and what they know, leading up to them relying on the answers of others to get them theShow MoreRelatedEssay on should students be allowed to use cell phones in school1043 Words   |  5 PagesVernon School Room 218 Persuasive Essay / Cellular Telephone Cell Phones: Many American youth now have cell phones that they carry with them everywhere .Should cell phones be allowed at school ?Many teachers and students claim that phones are distracting while many parents and students insist that phones are necessary. 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