Friday, May 22, 2020

4 Uncommon Elements for Your Best Topic in Research Paper

No matter what subject you study, at some point, you’ll be asked to write a research paper. In order to come up with the best topic in research paper writing, it’s important to make sure that your idea stands out. Professors and teachers read literally hundreds of papers per semester, and they get tired of redundant topics. That’s why you have to take your time to come up with an angle that will grab your reader’s attention. There are a few simple, but effective ways to do so. 1. Be Controversial In many instances, a research paper doesn’t merely involve reading up on a subject and reporting back the information you have learned. Often, you’ll also be asked to make some sort of arguments about the topic. The problem is, many people have already made the same arguments multiple times in the past. It’s hard to come across as original if you’re simply restating what others have already said before. Because of this, it can be useful to be controversial and make an argument that isn’t as common. You have to be careful when taking this approach though. No matter how unique or uncommon your argument may be, it won’t matter if you don’t have enough evidence to support it. Before committing to your topic, gather up your research and confirm that you can make a persuasive argument. Bad example: The Importance of Diversified Education for Modern Life Good example: The Worthless Pains: Subjects That Are Not Worth Students’ Efforts 2. Be Focused and Specific Many students fall into a common trap when writing research papers: they choose topics that are too general. This can make for a boring work. If your paper reads like an encyclopedia entry, it will be dull and won’t earn you the best grade possible. That’s why you should focus on a very specific element of your topic and research it in detail. Don’t do this without checking with your teacher first though. You have to make sure that they approve of this angle. Bad example: The Harmful Items That Influence Our Health Most Good example: Watch out! Pollution Picks out Our Youth Years 3. Use Interesting Trivia Don’t get the wrong idea. Your paper needs to be more than just a long list of trivia. There’s no way you can write an essay like this without coming across as unfocused and cluttered. That said, interesting facts that aren’t commonly-known can give your work an entertaining edge that will help you make the right impression. During your research, take note whenever you come across these pieces of trivia, and look for places where you can include them in the overall topic. Bad example: Wholefood Containing a Number of Vitamins Supports Our Life-Sustaining Activity Good example: Keep Watching! Fruits Are Not As Healthy All the Time 4. Combine Topics This simple trick is an easy way to turn two boring ideas into one unique, compelling them. As you brainstorm potential topics for a research paper, try to determine if two of your ideas are related to each other in any way. On their own, they might not be particularly striking to a reader. However, when they are combined, they can become much more engaging. Again, your teachers and professors will have to read a very large number of research papers over the course of a single semester. To earn an ‘A+’, you should take some steps to ensure that your topic is unique. These tips can help you do that. Bad example: Building Construction in the XVIII Century Good example: Building Construction of the XVIII Century Depicts Citizens’ Outlook at Life

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