Thursday, May 7, 2020

Spanking Children - 2011 Words

Who doesnt recall meeting a child who needed a good hard spanking? While children can be charming and delightful it is usually the two legged terror that gets noticed the most. Who hasnt heard or at least participated in some gossip or side conersation if yu will, regarding what should be done? Parents who have unruly children on a regular basis or even rarely are under the gun to address it. How they adress it is up for debate in todays more child friendly environment Some feel it is the only thing that works but most are simply familiar with it and are not aware of the implications as most parents are unlikely to download Dr. Spocks lates in greatest to their ereader, nor are they likely to†¦show more content†¦Spanking hurts childrens pride as well as their bottom and spankings do seem to work as far as gaining immediate compliance but lack any staying power. Murray Straus a researcher of childrens behavior Explain the aspect of myths and how they effect belief. Give facts on effectiveness transition? Transition from talking about myth to ineffectivness to combining ineffectieness with harmfulness making agression the focus (bring in argument from other side somewhere) While agression can be positive in small controlled doses. The kind of agression involved in misbehavior takes the most undesireable forms a parent never wants to encounter. Unfortunately well meaning and loving parents are likely to fall into the â€Å"compliance trap†. One does not have to be a parent to accept the fact that children miraculously become compliant after receiving a stinging blow to their bottom. The increased agression can come in the form of hitting siblings, other children or parents. Talking back, name calling or defiance in general. It happens in any family environment. Parents who support a warm nurturing and loving environment may support the use of spankings believing the intention can change the outcome. According to a study of families from 20 cities in the U.S involving 3,279 pairs of mothers and her children researchers stated: â€Å"At all time points,maternal spanking was associated withShow MoreRelatedSpanking Young Children1366 Words   |  6 PagesAbout 60% of parents in the United States use spanking as a method to discipline their young children. In most cases parents believe that spanking is the only effective way to discipline their children. According to the â€Å"International Encyclopedia of Marriage and Family†, spanking is often referred as; â€Å"one or two flat-handed swats on a childs wrist or buttocks, but would not include a beating with a whip or a belt, for others, spanking also includes slaps and pinches to the leg, arm, back, or evenRead MoreSpanking And Its Effect On Children773 Words   |  4 PagesALIDITY AND RELIABILITY 2 Spanking as a way to punish children is a heated debate that does not appear to have an end in sight. The people on both sides of the issue have very strong opinions and do not seem to want to entertain the idea that the other side could be correct. This is generally how debates work, but one concern that is often not looked at is whether the claims from either side are valid and reliable. Anyone can make claims and find evidence for those claims, but the evidenceRead MoreThe Debate On Spanking Children753 Words   |  4 Pagesthis is still very much the case in the debate on spanking children. Spanking is one of the most controversial and most debated topics of this century. Moreover, there seems to never be a middle road and debaters always feel very strongly one way or another. This topic in general quite often falls prey to the excluded extreme fallacy that one is either fully for spanking or fully against it; either way to the fullest extent. Some believe spanking is a nece ssary tool in instilling respect and appropriateRead MoreThe Importance Of Parental Spanking Of Children1540 Words   |  7 Pagesnot spank their children because the parental spanking of children can be harmful to the behavioral and social development of their children. Parental spanking of children is a violent disciplinary technique where a parent hits childrens behinds with an open hand or object in order to deter childrens behavior in a way the parents may perceive as negative. I grew up in a home where my parents spanked me and my three younger brothers. I have witnessed parental spanking of children practiced firstRead MoreChildren ´s Discipline and Spanking1294 Words   |  6 Pageswhen. It also tells parents spanking the child will not kill him. Many researchers and parents would argue these facts and state is does cause harm but if they could understand the limitations of the teachings, incorporate communication, and set boundaries the use of a rod would instill wisdom , instruction, and understanding in a child. Understanding the Limitations of the Teachings. Several forms of emotional damage have been associated with physical punishment in children such as confusion, aggressiveRead MoreSpanking Your Children Is Wrong !1554 Words   |  7 PagesSpanking your children is wrong! There are people who think that corporal punishment for children is a proper and productive way to discontinue bad behavior. If you spank your children for their bad behavior they will learn not to do it again. Then there are people who think spanking your children is a harsh punishment and use other options like time outs and taking away favored objects. This type of punishment teaches children that what they are doing is wrong and without using violence. ParentsRead MoreWhy Spanking Children Is Wrong1453 Words   |  6 PagesWhy Spanking Children is Wrong Parents have been spanking their children for hundreds of years, but recently this practice has come into question. The concern is not regarding the effectiveness of spanking but the correctness of spanking. Parents should not be allowed to strike their children. Child abuse is defined as any unnecessary or intentional physical or emotional or sexual mistreatment of children. Spanking is not the only method of child disciplin e. Spanking is not even the most effectiveRead More stop spanking: save the children Essays1258 Words   |  6 Pages Spanking has been used for many years and it must come to an end. Also known as corporal punishment, spanking is most often used as a form of discipline. Although it is said to have some benefits, the negative consequences far outweigh the good. According to Dr. Wilson and Dr. Lyon, â€Å"physical punishment delivered in anger with the intent to cause pain is unacceptable and dangerous to the health and well being of the child.†( Guidance for Effective Discipline, online) It is important for spankingRead MorePersuassive Speech on Spanking Children Essay1320 Words   |  6 PagesDisciplining Children: Spanking? Introduction: You hear more and more every day about a mother or a father accidentally killing their child for a small misbehavior. This is becoming more and more of a problem. Parenting children is a very difficult task, one of the most challenging things anyone will ever encounter. The reason I want to talk to you today about the proper ways of disciplining children is because a lot of people do not realize the harm in spanking young children or even Read MoreEssay on Corporal Punishment and Spanking in children 1724 Words   |  7 PagesPunishment and Spanking in children Spanking and the use of Corporal Punishment are the most common forms of punishment used today for younger children. 67% of parents today use some form of corporal or physical punishment. Spanking and Corporal Punishment is the use of physical force to cause pain with the intent to control the child. Mothers are primarily the ones to spank, because they are the ones who are with the children more. Young parental age and lower income seem to predict spanking in children

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