Monday, November 25, 2019

Employment Relations Norms

Employment Relations Norms The process of recruiting new employees has become very crucial in the contemporary world. This is applicable to both small and large organizations of any structure or size. Organizations are required to have effective methods of recruiting and retaining current positions of employees in an organization. This plays a significant role in determining the performance of an organization.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Employment Relations Norms specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Employment relations refer to the measures that are employed in an organization in order to facilitate good relationship between employees and employers. In other words, employment relations involve those activities that are geared towards the resolving and prevention of those problems that arise from the work of individual’s performance within an organization. It also entails the measures that are employed in promoting absorption of top pe rforming workers within an organization. In the contemporary world, many organizations have realized the need of facilitating effective employment relations in its operations. The most competitive organizations are the ones that have managed to maintain effective employment relations in their operations. However, there is a major concern on whether these needs are taken into consideration bearing in mind that we are in the era where organized labor has significantly declined. In every organization, leaders must be armed with adequate advice on how they can improve the performance of its employees. In order to achieve this, the employer must consider the disciplinary actions as well as the regulatory requirements (Deery 1999). The employers are also required to consider the necessary procedures that should be applied while addressing employees’ needs within an organization. This will significantly contribute towards promoting a good relationship between employees and the emplo yer. This plays a significant role in promoting the organizational goals.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In an effort to promote good relationship between employees and the employers, employees should be provided with adequate information. Armed with adequate information, employees will be in a position to understand the organizational goals and policies. Such information will help employees to conduct themselves accordingly in order to meet these goals. For instance, employees will be informed on the procedures that employers are required to follow in promoting or repositioning them within an organization (Anton 2011). The employer also has a responsibility of providing employees with the necessary information that will enable them to correct their poor performance both in the work place and off the workplace (Locke, Kochan and Piore). Again, this will play a sig nificant role in promoting good relationship between employees and employers. When employees are fully informed, they will for instance be ware of the required procedures that are acceptable in passing on their grievances. There are a number of reasons why every organization must promote effective employment relation. By maintaining good relationship between employers and employees, an organization is able to increase employees’ motivation, morale and consequently their productivity levels. This is because the employees are promised of protection from any kind of exploitation. Another advantage of effective employment relations is that it promotes fairness in an organization. For instance, the employer is required to employ people without discrimination. Promotion in the workplace is also guided by fairness. This ensures that only qualified individuals get particular positions. By maintaining effective relationship between employers and workers, an organization can reduce its costs significantly. This is because a firm is able to avoid time wastage through employees’ strikes or demonstrations. In stead, employees will be motivated hence committed in meeting organizational goals.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Employment Relations Norms specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Reference List Anton. 2011. Employment Relations Web. Available at: Locke, R., Kochan, T. and Piore, M., 1995. Employment Relations in a Changing World Economy. U.S.A., MIT Press. Deery, S., 1999. Employment Relations: Individualization and Union Exclusion: An International Study. Sydney, Federation Press.

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