Monday, November 18, 2019

The Inadequacy of Sociological Perspectives in Assessing and Essay - 1

The Inadequacy of Sociological Perspectives in Assessing and Articulating the Situation and Experiences of Older people from Caribbean and Asian communities in UK - Essay Example This essay stresses that contrary to the notion that women are neglected in old age in Caribbean and Asian communities and men are well cared for it was found that many men did not feel that they are cared for, while women seem to be well off. This is largely due to the activities of the feminist elements in these communities that have made awareness about the plight of women, while men do not have any such support system. This finding was attested by earlier studies in the field. Sociologists have observed Stereotypes of Older Men. The lack of apathy felt by elderly men have been studied The study helped to explode the myth that Older men are powerful, affluent, and dominant in the home and in society among the Caribbean and Asian communities. But the fact is some are but not the majority of them. The research established that the elderly in minority communities do experience difficulties in old age. However, the main source of abuse is the relatives themselves. British medical system needs more awareness about the cultural diversity in their service. The present study only showed that elder abuse is still there in Britain. In the present study among the Caribbeans and Asians there have been cases of elderly abuse in nursing homes but in most cases the experience of abuse is somewhat subjective. The work of feminist organizations had a good effect in improving the conditions of women and similar work oriented towards men also can be salutary in improving the lot of older men. There is greater role for social watchdogs in old age care, as there are cases of abuse of the old in institutions.

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