Friday, November 29, 2019

The major obstacles to success for college students

Lack proper training is a major obstacle to achievement of success by college students. The training that a student gets is very critical especially in regard to the job market. The training should ensure that a student is well equipped with the right skills and knowledge to ensure that he/she has the right skills for the job. Some institutions fail to meet standards required for various job markets.Advertising We will write a custom coursework sample on The major obstacles to success for college students specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This may cause inefficiency, lack of motivation and confidence. The students will therefore not be eager to exploit their talents and as a result there will be low productivity when such students start to work. College instructors and teachers therefore need to teach students properly and offer them relevant training in accordance to the job requirement. Proper training encourages learners to put in more efforts and thus comes out successfully. Lack of a college advisor to advise and help students to choose the right courses as well as monitor their progress may also hinder student success. A university advisor will avail vital information about courses; such information will enable a learner to pursue an area of interest in which she or he is sure of succeeding. Students who are fresh from high schools or those who have stayed for a long time after completing high schools may take certain courses not because they are passionate about such courses but because of either peer pressure from other students and family members or because they are not sure of what they want to do. Lack of knowledge on the right course to undertake may affect achievement of a college student since the student may feel at some point that he or she is pursuing the wrong career and therefore feel wasted. A college advisor helps students to realize the importance of the course they are undertaking as we ll as the opportunities available at the job market thus motivating the students to work hard. Student advisors also help the students to work out some off pitch issues which may affect their performance in college.Advertising Looking for coursework on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Lack financial support is also an obstacle to college success. College affordability has become a major issue and even for those who can afford it, the tough economic times have forced them to look for cheaper ways of living. Many students are very much willing to pursue studies but funds have been a major problem. This in many cases leads to college drop outs. Sometimes family members may fail to offer financial support because they do not understand the importance of college education and they may view it as just a waste of money. The most affected group is those students that come from poor background. In addition, students who have children may be financially challenged because of the huge financial burden. This is because they are forced to take their children in day care, they need to pay for the house rents as well as pay the university. This could be a major challenge especially when the student is not getting any financial support from anybody else. Two elements of higher education in the U.S learned and their application in my home country There is flexibility on taken course (evening, summer and online classes) which helps many students to attend college and keep a part time job as well. Flexibility leads to convenience since one is able to attend classes without having to skip a day job, as one is able to choose a study time that suits him or her better. One is therefore able to undertake and balance several responsibilities without affecting others. Example, one is able to attend to his or her family, work and at the same time attend a college. This may not be possible without evening or online classe s. Moreover, one is also able to study at a time that best suits him or her because one has the chance to fix his or her own schedule. This is very convenient for United States students as they are able to effectively manage and utilize their time well. Differences and diversity of disciplines and universities to suit the country needs. Today we are living in an increasingly heterogeneous society and therefore it is very important to ensure that the needs of every individual are met. Diversity is not just a natural factor that needs to be recognized and respected but it greatly contributes to moving a nation forward. Creating different disciplines and universities to suit the needs of a nation will increases knowledge, wisdom and help a nation to focus all its energy in one direction. It also helps the students to be more comfortable and as a result produce better results.Advertising We will write a custom coursework sample on The major obstacles to success for college students specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In addition, the diversity of disciplines and universities have helped some disciplines to concentrate and focus better on some particular areas which they are good at and as a result specialization has been refined producing the highest quality of learning possible (MGH, 2011). Implementation Introduction of online classes should be implemented. Online classes will offer students opportunities to learn according to schedules that fits them best. The government therefore needs to set up better infrastructure that will enable colleges and universities to deliver an effective online education system. Universities and colleges could start by introducing classes to equip the new online learners with the basic knowledge. They also need to establish an office to assist online students especially when they are faced with problems. Universities should also develop advanced computer systems with effective inte rnet connections that are capable of running current software and programs. The may also need to have plug-ins and supported operating systems. The students on the other hand will just need to have a basic computer and internet connection to successfully undertake such an online course. This may be quite a challenge since the percentage of people who have computer and internet skills is very small, leave alone the percentage of people who go to college or universities. Introduction of diverse disciplines and universities to suit the country needs should also be implemented. Different disciplines and universities that specialize in a particular area should be introduced. Each university should be encouraged to pursue what they are good at as this will help colleges to shape specific students better. This will make it possible for regional specialization of universities to be possible. It will also help to ensure that the right standards are maintained. Introduction of online courses and increasing the variety of course within my country may be confronted with some challenges. One of the biggest confrontations will be limited universities and colleges as well as teachers. This might therefore be too hard to implement in a short time.Advertising Looking for coursework on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The country therefore needs to build more schools if this is to be achieved. The path to the implementation will be quite slow but there is likelihood that all is possible and that more courses can be availed in the local universities. Reference MGH. (2011). Technical requirement for online classes. Institute of Health Professionals. Web. This coursework on The major obstacles to success for college students was written and submitted by user Abdullah H. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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